Senator representing Kaduna Central Senatorial district, Shehu Sani, has listed 10 factors he said were working against the unity and progress of Nigeria.

The Chairman, Senate Committee on Foreign Loans and Local debts, posted this on his Facebook page.
The lawmaker listed the factors as follows:

1. Dependence on one major source of revenue from a section of a country, which logically profiles and categorises other sections as parasitic.

2. Fading memory of the tragedy of secession and war: Lost lessons of history.

3. Manipulation of sectional, religious and ethnic sentiments and sensibilities of Nigerians by the political class.

4. The slow death of the nationalistic and patriotic spirit in the hearts and minds of Nigerians, evidenced with the perennial indifference to October 1st Independence Day celebrations.

5. A succession of failed governments, economic paralyses and widening gulf between the have and the have nots.

6. The rise of a new restive and angry generation without value for, interest in or sense of history.

7. Retention of a national political and socio economic culture which emphasises on sharing of national cake as against the baking of national cake. A bogus federal structure of largesse.

8. Deliberate or negligent suffocation of institutions established to promote national unity e.g. NYSC, Federal Government Colleges, etc.

9. Narcissistic and forlorn ideas and fantasy of chauvinists and ethnic champions dreaming of carving out mini nations along tribal lines.

10. Inequities of a pyramid economic structure; a rich few over a poor many.

Meanwhile, Sani has advocated for an ad-hoc Committee that would address agitations of various groups in Nigeria.

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