The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on Tuesday kicked against the proposed legislation seeking amnesty to looters of the nation’s treasury.

The commission said less than 10 percent of Nigerian population caused the looting of the treasury.

The EFCC Secretary, Emmanuel Adegboyega, said most looters of the nation’s treasury are found in the public sector.

Adegboyega spoke at the opening of a two-day capacity building seminar on “Economic and Financial Crimes, Anti-Corruption, Fiscal Responsibility and Good Governance,” for states and local government officials.

He added that private sector players were only dragged into treasury looting through their interactions with public servants.

In his opening remarks, the Chairman of House of Representatives Committee on Financial Crimes, Kayode Oladele, said corruption can be curbed through comprehensive and impactful public enlightenment.

He said: “The mission statement of the EFCC is to curb the menace of corruption that constitutes a hindrance to good governance, economic development and foreign direct investment. It is also geared towards developing the right mindset and attitude amongst Nigerians and contribute to the global war against economic and financial crimes and terrorism financing.

“This is because the lack of understanding of the provision of the law against the commission of economic and financial crimes and corrupt practice is a major factor for high level corruption in the country.”

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