In humans, ageing represents the accumulation of changes that occur in human beings over time, though some of us may dread this stage; getting older is an aspect of life most of us will experience.

If you are blessed enough to make it to a certain age, you will start to see and feel the effects of ageing. There are some obvious signs of age, such as wrinkles and gray hair (unless you’re prematurely graying). However, there are also subtle signs that often begin a few years before we start to see the physical signs of age.

Here are seven sure signs compiled by TheNEwsGuru [TNG] which could serve as a likely proof that you’re getting old. So if the underlisted signs are common to you already, never think ageing is far from for you, it’s already here.

1. You take diet plans seriously

When you were young, you had incredible resilience. You can eat what we want, dance the night away and your bodies just bounce back. In short, you appear to be able to get away with a less-than-healthy lifestyle. However, as you age this changes. So it is a sure sign you are really getting old, if ‘what you eat’ has become a huge priority to you. Getting older? people tend more towards nutrition than taste – healthy recipes that keep them looking (and feeling) youthful.

2. You begin sentences with, ‘When I was your age … ‘

Chances are, you’ll get to a point where you can’t help but start most sentences with “when I was your age …” Then you’ll proceed to tell your young listener about the tough situations you faced and how you managed to survive. Once you finish your story of trial and triumph, he or she will scurry away before you begin yet another story about pre-independence administrations; Nigeria’s first republic; what life was like before mobile phones and the internet existed among others.

3. Regular medical check-up [Most likely, you have your doctor’s number]

Now, nobody needs to tell you why it is important to have regular health check-ups, you know it! It can help you identify any early signs of health issue, especially sugar level management and blood pressure. Finding these problems early means that your chances for effective treatment are increased. Age and lifestyle choices, impact on how often you need check-ups.

It won’t be a surprise if you have the direct contact of a medical expert,  you always find confidence in discussing your health status with a healthcare professional.

4. Blame game: Yab your friends they are getting old

Once you get to the point where you realize you’re not a kid anymore, rather than accept it, some prefer to mirror the reality in their peers. So they can’t help but play the blame game.  Once they come in contact with there old friends or relatives they are quick to label those in their age bracket as ‘getting too old’. The truth is, they are the one who are more disturbed or feeling the grip of ageing the most.

5. When you give speeches to defend that you are not ‘that old’

If you have to explain to people that you’re not old, then you’re old. That’s where the irony is. Denial only strikes when the reason you’re in denial has taken over. So, you may think you’re convincing everyone that you’re as young as you think you are, but you’re not fooling anyone. And how do we know this? Because we have eyes. We can literally see that you’re old. Fool your mirror all you want, but good luck fooling everyone else.

6. Trying so hard to fake young

There’s nothing sadder than not being able to just accept your age—and who can relate to that better than you? You use phrases that genuinely seem foreign when they’re coming out of your mouth, but you use them anyway. Because you’re desperate. You’ve gotten to this point in your life where you may as well be actively trying to sell your soul to the devil to feel younger than you are, but no matter how hard you try, nothing about your sense of style, your taste in trends, or your “modern” vocabulary feels natural.

7. Go to sleep early, no night events

The days of staying out past midnight to hang out with friends are pretty much over. After a long day of work, all you can think about is getting home, jumping into your pajamas, and getting into your bed so you can get a solid night’s sleep. There was probably a time in your life when you would rather be out meeting people and going to events. Nowadays, all you want to do is relax

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