Entertainers needed now more than ever— Cobhams Asuquo
Talented singer and music producer, Cobhams Asuquo is of the opinion that in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, entertainers are needed now more than ever.
According to him: ”Entertainment has always been a tool to bring joy and comfort to people and these are times when people need as much of that as possible. That the world is going through tough times is even more reason to keep our spirits up and one of the ways to do that is through entertainment. I would encourage entertainers to continue to perform their craft because we are needed now more than ever”, he said.
Sharing his thoughts on singers who focus more on beats at the expense of lyrics, Asuquo said“I don’t know whether I’m qualified to answer that or not but I will say that beats are intrinsically who we are as Africans so it’s not uncommon for us to naturally respond to a great beat before anything else. However, music is also a medium to communicate a message, and lyrics play an important role in that. I hope we come to a place where both the audience and musicians begin to pay more attention to music as a holistic experience and not focus only on certain parts of it to the exclusion of others.”
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