A day-old baby girl was abandoned in a refuse dump site in Bubbugaje village of Kumbots Local Government Area of Kano State with her umbilical cord still attached.

The dark skinned baby which could have been left on the street overnight was found around 7:am, wrapped up in a piece of wrapper.

Malam Tasiu Ali, the ward head of Bubbugaje village, told newsmen on Sunday: “The baby which seems to be just a day-old was found by a resident of our village at the refuse dump site early in the morning with her umbilical cord still attached.

“However, the child has now been taken by another resident of the village and his wife who agreed to adopt her.”

He added that they have informed the police and the Local Government Area authorities which gave their consent for the couple to adopt the baby.

Mabaruka Hamza, the woman who will now nurse the baby, said: “I and my husband discussed the issue and with his consent and that of local government authorities, now the girl, named Amina, will be staying with us.”

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