Borno residents have appealed to the military to intervene in the increased suicide bomb attacks by suspected Boko Haram insurgents in the state.

Across section of those interviewed by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Maiduguri made the appeal on Sunday in Maiduguri.

Malam Bakura Modu, a local hunter said that the wave of attacks especially in Maiduguri, has created negative impression about the current situation in the state.

“There is no doubt that the military has recorded great successes against the Boko Haram insurgents.

“But the recent spate of suicide bomb attacks is creating wrong impression in the media that the group is still strong,” Modu said.

He said that the military must live up to the expectations by finding quick solutions to the bombings.

Modu said local hunters were ready to join the military in the search for the insurgents in the bush.

“We have been expressing our willingness to join the fight against the insurgents in the bush, but the military had always turned us back.

“We are hoping that this time around they will consider our proposal,” he said.

Mr Samuel Anjukui, a retired police officer corroborated Modu’s claim.

“The military has within a few months decimated the insurgents, reclaiming territories and rescuing many abducted persons.

“But the recent up surge in the number of suicide bomb attacks has created worries in the minds of the people,” Anjukui said.

He added:” In the last few months it is almost certain that incidences of bomb blasts will occur every weekend.

“The situation has even worsened now as the blasts have almost assumed a daily dimension”.

Anjukui, however, expressed optimism in the ability of the military to address the situation.

“The military has the capabilities to address the problem; it must therefore rise up to the occasion by halting the negative trend.

“It is either they make use of high technology for early detection of explosive materials or take the battle to the door steps of the insurgents in the bush,” he said.

Malam Musa Inuwa a civil servant offered a different perspective.

“I think that the natives hold the key to ending the ugly trend the military has done its best by degrading the insurgents.

“But ending the crisis depend on the natives because the insurgents live among the people, they plan their attacks among the people.

“As long as the people are not willing to expose them, the attacks will continue,” Inuwa said.(NAN)

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