Little or nothing was known about the singer , Ayoola Johnson , fondly referred to as Ay . com till 2009 , when he released the hit song , ‘ Pass Me Your Love , ’ which featured Terry G. Fast forward to 2019 and not much has been heard about the singer .

However, the musician noted that getting married early made him sacrifice most of his time for his family rather than his musical career.

“ I got married after my first album; I was a bit distracted . I was a young man when I got married; I got married at the age of 25 . My wife and I attended the same secondary school , we were both young people who were in love and we had the opportunity to get married. I have produced more songs after that , but the industry is messed up now . I ’ m not desperate about music . I am doing music for the passion .

“ My son will be eight years old soon , my wife got pregnant almost immediately after we got married, she was a young girl and I had to be there for her . Some of the guys that make waves in the industry have given 100 per cent of their life to their career.

“ Most of them who are reigning in the industry today are baby fathers . A lot of them don ’ t even have time for their children . I was caring for my family , so I had little time for my music . It took me time to get myself together , and now that I am ready for music , the competition is very high . I just try to do music because I am passionate about it. It’ s worth it at the end of it all, I have no regrets , ” he said.

Asked about some of the differences he has noticed from the period when he started music and now, he stated that a lot had changed in the industry .
“ The difference is clear , it’ s not about talent anymore in the music industry ; it is all about money. If you have money , you can buy music and airtime . In the past, music gets aired based on the quality , but now no matter how good the song is, it is going nowhere.

“ However , we are grateful that the Nigerian music industry has grown and it’ s being accepted globally , it is a positive change . A lot of people are doing well; lots of investors now invest in music , ” he said .

Recently , the ‘ Pass Me Your Love ’ singer has been using his social media platform to air his views on marriage , music and depression . He used the moment to speak about the motive behind that , while stressing that he was trying to enlighten people .

“ I watch a lot of artistes say negative things about marriage ; they fail to understand that if their marriage is not working , they should check themselves . They shouldn ’ t generalise because by doing that , they may mislead their fans . I ’ m trying to be realistic and help the people to see the light .

“ A lot of people go into marriage for the wrong reasons, not for love . Some of their marriages don ’ t last ; I have been married for nine years but I don ’ t put my wife on social media . During the time I got married, social media was not really active then , so my marriage wasn ’ t based on social media . The woman I married is not the social type . I try to take my marriage away from my career.

“ We are in the industry where people relate with you the way you portray yourself . A lot of people live fake lives . I have seen people in the industry being neglected because they don ’ t have enough money. There was a time a colleague of mine said people should do away with their friends who don ’ t meet up to their standard, ” he said.

Speaking about the death of DJ XGee, AY . Com noted that his death could have been avoided if he had someone to talk to when he was depressed.

“ The reason why a lot of people are dying due to depression is because they have no one to talk to ; most of them are afraid of people gossiping about them. A colleague of mine relocated to America because a conversation about him and his wife leaked on a blog.

“ After this , everybody castigated him for not being able to handle his home . It was one of his friends who his wife was chatting with that leaked the chat on the blog.

“ The late DJ was not really my close friend , but each time we saw each other , there was always a big smile on his face. I wish he had the opportunity to talk to me , I would have motivated him . I guess he was afraid to speak up because of fear of being neglected . There is no love in the industry , ” he said .

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